Company that contracted AGNIS for a Performance Evaluation Training

Will be of great help to my company's managers. Now they understand the importance of Performance Evaluation tool.



Some Statements - others

IE - R&S Manager of AGNIS Client

ES - Executive under AGNIS Outplacement Program

RB - Executive and AGNIS Outplacement Client

AZ - Executive in Career Transition

AL - Executive Coaching Client

HP - Executive that said thaks for our GMO

LS -Sponsor of a HR Event regarding AGNIS contribution

Executive that attended a Management Project Training of AGNIS

Executive that evaluated Fit & Lead Training conducted by AGNIS

Company`s evaluation about the training BBI (Be a better interviewer)

VF - Executive in career transition process

AS - Candidate of a process driven by AGNIS

MB - Executive and Hunting client

SD – AGNIS Collaborator

JR - Executive and former Outplacement client

FL - Executive under AGNIS Change Management Program

FT - Candidate who accessed the AGNIS site

BG – Hunting Client

FS - Executive and business partner.

MN – Internacional Hunting Client

CG - Person who acessed our site

MN - Company tha hired our services

MN - Executive received in AGNIS

FD - Networking held in AGNIS

P.S. – Executive from São Paulo

C.L. – HR VP of a big American Company

R.C. – HR Director Brasil

M.M. – Marketing Director of a large multinational Co.

W.M. – Feedback about website Agnis

S.S. – Feedback about Agnis

E.S. – Financial Director - client of outplacement newly hired in a big TI company

A.N. – HR director

L.B. – HR Manager of a multinational Co.

P.A.F. – Executive under AGNIS Coaching Program

G.R. – Latam Suplly Director

C.V. – Ex-employee of Agnis

R.S. – HR Manager

J.G. – HR Superintendent of a multinational company

M.A.. – Agnis candidate in a R&S Process

H.F. – Supllier of Agnis

L.T.B. – Ex-employee of Agnis

H.P. – Senior New Business Manager and Coaching client

A.C.A. – Outplacement customer

J.T. – Latam Commercial Director

A.S. – Agnis Candidate that participated in a R&S process

O.Z. – Operational Director for Latam – Argentine